DU News

Dhofar University Welcomes International Exchange Students

The Vice Chancellor of Dhofar University, Professor Amer Al Rawas, met an intern student from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, as part of the IAESTE program. The student, who will undergo training program at OQ and Dhofar University, represents the university’s ongoing commitment to internationalization and the provision of technical skills, diverse learning experiences, and multicultural knowledge to its students. According to Professor Amer, the university is pleased to welcome the intern and to provide him with this unique and valuable learning experience.

This year, Dhofar University is honored to host three students, including two from IAESTE Turkey and one from IAESTE India. Alongside Alpren Pala, Bahar Shirova and Shahsvat Tiwari will receive their training at Omantel.

Dhofar University takes great pride in its association with IAESTE Oman. IAESTE, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, operates in over 80 countries. Through IAESTE, students gain valuable opportunities to train with reputable employers abroad. Dhofar University remains dedicated to working closely with IAESTE Oman to expand these opportunities, enabling students to explore living and working overseas.

Dhofar University is committed to delivering a world-class education and fostering a truly global experience for its students. The university is delighted to welcome students from around the world to its campus.

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